Support Scott

There are many ways you can offer your support during my election campaign!

  1. VOTE!!

  2. Share my name with your friends and family

  3. Contribute to my campaign

  4. Request a sign


The most important and impactful thing you can do is get out there and vote! There are multiple ways you can vote - from advanced voting, online, over the phone, or in person - voting is what truly matters because your voice matters! So, get out there and vote! Click here for detailed HRM voter information.

Share my name with your friends and family

Having the opportunity to get to know more of our community and those who reside in it is what is at the heart of my drive and determination to become your next Councillor! Please pass along my name to those in your circles so I can work towards meeting all of you!

Contribute to my campaign

Should you find yourself in a place to be able to support my campaign with a financial contribution, it is greatly appreciated. All funds raised will be used solely for my campaign in a responsible and practical manner. Please click here for more information about HRM campaign contributions.

Request a sign

If you are located in the Bedford-Wentworth (District 16) area and would like a sign supporting my campaign, please get in touch with me at

Get in touch!